home delivery

Phone : +36 1 275 0049, +36 20 345 2258

home delivery:  11:30 - 22:00
Delivery zones: District I, II, XII and certain parts of district III, Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőlős, Budakeszi,Solymár

Delivery fees: delivery is 1200.-Ft in Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőllős, Budakeszi and Solymár, III., XI., XII., in some parts of the district. Delivery to other delivery zones is 600.-Ft

Minimum order : 3 300.- Ft

daily menu

Roast pepper soup, smoked trout, Roman cumin


Crispy crab, wakame salad, sesame


Rhombus fish, grilled vegetables


Lentil cream soup


Butternut squash stew, with citrus and dill zucchini, deep-fried skewers


Pork belly, bacon- flavored sauerkraut




Alessio has been open for 15 years in Pasarét. Our aim was to establish a genuine, homely restaurant. Our guests choose to come here not only to celebrate, but to have a substantial breakfast with freshly roasted coffee. The original Italian cuisine, the daily offers and the genuine ingredients all mean high quality. Our pastas and pizzas are home-made, gluten-free variatons are also available. The menu includes fresh fish, prawns, lamb and pork dishes. The staff also guarantee good atmosphere.We have introduced home delivery since opening, which has a growing popularity as well. Many of our guests use our catering services for corporate events and weddings on location.

Our mission statement is: The guest is the first in our restaurant. That is why we have chosen this profession. We have a passionate belief in real catering!

Address: 55 Pasaréti Road, 1026

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday :  11:00 - 23:00
Saturday, Sunday :  11:00 - 23:00

Kitchen is open until 22:00

home delivery:  11:30 - 22:00
Delivery zones: District I, II, XII and certain parts of district III, Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőlős, Budakeszi,Solymár